Wednesday, September 27, 2017

No longer homeless! (and other updates)

Yesterday we spent most of the day in Newark, which is New Jersey's largest city, walking around and exploring things. We found a beautiful library, walked past a lot of interesting little shops, rode the bus, and found an awesome little pub that we really enjoyed.
In the evening, we were picked up by a friend of mine, Jenna.
The crazy thing about Jenna is that we met about 5 years go on Twitter! I ended up following her one day and after that we would interact from time to time, and eventually we got each other's phone numbers and Snapchats. For some reason we've always clicked, and she was kind enough to drive two hours after working all day, pick us up at the library, fight rush hour traffic, take us back to the airport, wait for us to get our bags, help us load them into her car, take us to Applebee's, and drive another two hours for us. As if that wasn't enough, because we were having a hard time booking an airbnb, she opened up her home to us. She graciously offered a couch and a shower, which we are indescribably grateful for. We are very blessed! Thank you, Jenna!
We woke up this morning and took an Uber to Cherry Hill, NJ, where we met a woman we've been talking to about renting a couple rooms from. The house is beautiful, in a great location, and the rent is affordable - so of course we jumped at the opportunity!

The lady's name is Judy, she is a good friend of the Chinese couple that owns the house - they don't speak excellent English so she helps them out. Judy's real name in Chinese is Yu Feng, which sounds kinda like you-phone. She is very sweet! She gave us a ride to the bank and then we filled her tank and she took us to Jenna's to get our bags, then back to the place in Cherry Hill, which took more than an hour and a half, so we are very grateful for her as well! We had so many suitcases that we shoved her car completely full and still had to share a seat in the back; it was very tight quarters!


She told us that she works at a bank and sometimes they use a temp agency to hire people, and she thinks we can get a job there very easily so we took down the number and that's on the to-do list for tomorrow.
We wanted to get familiar with the train so we walked down to the station, which is less than a 10 minute walk, and took the train to Philadelphia for the afternoon. The streets here are really cool, we walked down some thin cobblestone streets that look like alleyways but have house fronts down them. We didn't get too stay long or explore much, because we had to get groceries and unpack.

As far as landscape goes, this area feels a lot like western Oregon. There are a ton of trees and vines and other green, growing things. A lot of the trees have vines growing all the way up the trunk and onto the branches, which our Uber driver was telling us is unhealthy for the tree.
So far I'm very grateful to have a roof over my head - a place to shower and sleep! I'm interested in everything around me, and excited to start looking for work. I think there is opportunity here, and there's definitely new things to learn and do!