Saturday, September 30, 2017

Too much fun!

Happy Saturday everyone!
Every day this week has been Saturday for me. Ever since I moved to Cherry Hill, NJ (three long days ago) I've been going into the city every day. It only takes me 20 minutes or so to get to Philadelphia from my house, and it's been irresistible!
Maciah and I keep meaning to look for jobs, but never quite make it that far. We'll get the old laptop we're sharing and head to a coffee shop for internet access and end up drinking beer at a neat outdoor bar we can't help but stop at. Then all of the sudden it's 1 a.m. and we're taking tequila shots with three very nice state troopers whom we met over a game of cornhole. At least that was Thursday night!
Philadelphia is so much fun, actually everything is, because everything is new and exciting. We are learning the area and loving every minute of it. There is a lot of history here, we are hoping to get bikes this weekend and ride around Philly touring the museums and historical points of interest. They have the Liberty Bell here! And there's a place called Independence Hall we've been dying to go to where they signed the Declaration of Independence! Not only is it rich in culture and history, but it's beautiful. I've been sketching everything I see, whenever I can.
We did manage to do something productive yesterday, after sleeping off our hangovers. We walked 3 miles to Goodwill for sheets, blankets, pans and other essentials. I guess sleeping with beach towels and folded up hoodies as pillows finally got old. 
That's the thing, too... we've been walking everywhere. Each day we walk at least 2 miles, and a since we moved, we've walked over 30, according to Maciah's Garmin smart watch. We are getting so much exercise here, it's great! Of course, I should mention that we're discovering some things the hard way. Like that 3 mile walk I was talking about? Well we were a few blocks from our destination when we looked to our left and saw the train station for the transit that runs right by our house... we could've boarded the train 4 blocks from home and been a quarter mile from the Goodwill in less than 10 minutes...
Anyway, in the next couple days we are definitely going to buckle down and start the job search. Vacation has to end at some point. There are a few casinos in Philly, coffee shops everywhere, temp agencies, restaurants... opportunity all over the place! Can't wait to see what kind of employment we get - and to learn new things!
