Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Practicing Gratitude

So we've been residents of New Jersey for 3 weeks officially. I've been loving every minute of it.
I wanted to take this time to expand on why, since I've mostly been posting updates containing information, and not always sharing the insight I've gotten from packing up and moving across the country, and seeing and experiencing all these new things.

I'll start off by saying that life has taught me to let go of the idea that I have any control over the things that happen to me. Sure, we have some influence on our surroundings, our friends, the things we choose to involve ourselves in, and so forth, but if you pay attention at all you will notice that too much happens at random to claim any real credit for it.

The only thing I'm positive we have control over is ourselves and our own mental state. A good friend and mentor of mine once taught me that your context will have a greater influence over your experience in life than the content. You can buy a new car, move to a new city, get a new girlfriend, and change content all you want, but if your context remains the same throughout all these attempts at happiness, you will likely have the same experience in life that you've had thus far.

If you want to have a fabulous experience in life, you should try having a fabulous context. I don't believe in the universe, in "putting good vibes" out there, in "positive thinking" or anything that allows you to think your way into having like, the best life ever. I do believe that you can decide the context you wish to operate in, and that the same event that creates sadness in one person's life could be the very thing you consider to be an enormous blessing.

I have to say that the context I've had recently is allowing me to have the most fun. I've been able to let life happen in front of me, and I've enjoyed jumping in and engaging with it whenever I possibly can.

The other day, Maciah and I headed into Philadelphia, intending to catch a bus to the mall and return a few things. Our bus stop was right next to City Hall, and on our walk over there we happened upon Oktoberfest, a little event going on outdoors with vendors, a beer garden, and live music. We opted to wait the 20 minutes here, looking around a little and enjoying the band that was playing. They were called Dry Reef (they're on Spotify and Apple Music, so give them a listen!) and we loved their music and the atmosphere they created. So did a lot of other people, apparently, because as they went through their set list, more and more of the attendees got up to dance. Here it was half hour later and we are both dancing with strangers, laughing, and enjoying ourselves so much that we decided to stay - and we never made it to the mall.

When I think about that evening, I think: I love this life, this city, and these people. I am extremely blessed to be here, to be alive, and to be healthy enough to move my body and express myself in that way. I have truly learned to "stop and smell the roses" and appreciate the things in life that make you laugh, dance, and share beautiful moments with others, even if it means putting off an errand for another day.

I also want to encourage anyone reading this to practice putting aside your to-do list if it means appreciating the world around you. I'm convinced that the potential to have experiences like this is present in everyone's lives, if you'll allow yourself to be open to them. I desperately want everyone I know to get the same amount of joy out of life that I've been getting. I realize that it can't be this euphoric all the time, but damn, if it can't be sometimes!
Besides, if you had the ability to thoroughly enjoy life, wouldn't you want to?