Sunday, October 8, 2017

It's a beautiful life in New Jersey & PA

Hey everyone!
Just an update on how everything is going:
I'm working now - I clean house for a guy that I've actually been out with a couple times; he lives in Philadelphia. I should also be receiving a job offer from Victoria's Secret here soon. She wanted to extend one immediately after the interview I had last week but she said she's going to see what she can do to get me $11.50 an hour.
I have to ride the train for a few minutes and then bike 3 and a half miles to get to the mall that Victoria's Secret is in, so I'll be biking 7 miles a day once I start, and that's not counting the times I'll need to bike to the grocery store or run other errands after work.
I've been biking a LOT. Everywhere we go that's not right next to a train station we have to either bike or walk to, or spend the money to get an Uber. We're frugal when we can be, so basically my legs are sore like, everyday.
Taking the bike on the train is an ordeal, though. The boarding areas are either on platforms or underground, so there are always stairs to battle. Carrying a bike up and down stairs when you're not the most graceful person anyway, and have no upper body strength, is difficult. I couldn't do it while carrying a purse so I made the transition to a backpack purse. I have tried to become as hands free as possible, especially because I have to carry my train pass to scan at the entrances and exits as well. The struggle is real.
The dating scene here is happening. I've been seeing this one guy with a crazy relaxed East Coast accent. He says the wildest stuff; they have exciting and hilarious lingo over here. I've been out dancing a couple times, and Maciah and I try to talk to people wherever we go, so we've been interacting with plenty of folks.

They have this crazy thing here, too! BYOB. The liquor licenses are expensive; there are stringent rules and hefty taxes, so a lot of restaurants let you bring in your own alcohol. I did it with a bottle of wine the other day!

The other awesome part of this area is the diversity of cultures that are present here. We spent an hour on Saturday seated outside a coffee shop in the middle of the 9th street Italian market, eavesdropping on a little girl speaking in Italian who was maybe 7 years old. It was adorable.
I also tried Ethiopian food on a date the other day. It was good! They eat with their hands and these tortilla-lookin' things; I was down with it.

One of my favorite new discoveries is an awesome newspaper publication that gives homeless people a source of income to help them get off the streets. They do it in the coolest way, so that if someone is willing to work, they can achieve self-sufficiency. The "vendor" purchases the papers at 25¢ and sells them for $1 (or whatever the customer donates), and they pocket the 75¢ profit. It actually works out really well. They publish a few simple articles and some fun little snippets. The contributions from the vendors and community members is where the real gravy is. It's hilariously endearing. Here's the link to their Facebook page.

Out of all the things I've observed here so far, these are some of the most notable. I hope it's not too lengthy, I've actually left a lot out. Feel free to leave comments if there's anything you're curious about - or better yet, give me a call!