Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Resolutionary Ideas

My new year's resolution for 2018 is to make requests.

Drake said that "Chances are never given, they're taken, like interceptions".
Over the next 365 days I'm going to get outside of my comfort zone and straight up ask for the things I want in life.
I'm going to take opportunities when I see them, and when someone makes an offer to help me out or support me in any little thing, I'll boldly and promptly give them a way to follow through.
By making requests and shooting my shot; by opening doors just to see what's behind them, I hope to learn new things, grow as a person, make connections with others, and develop a new skill.
This new year's resolution is born of the desire to explore life and learn everything.
And moreover, I'm going to put myself out there and do embarassing things! Like sending stuff I write to newspaper editors even if it isn't any good, singing karaoke while jogging, or becoming a member of the "Watch and Clock Enthusiasts" club.
As a good friend of mine, Danny, always says, "Let's get weird with it."

After some thought, I also decided to add making offers to the list of resolutions. I want to be more selfless in 2018, and be more of a service to those around me. I'll try to make as many offers for help, support, companionship, and service as I request.

What's your resolution(s)?