Thursday, November 22, 2018

Upcoming Travel Plans and Endless Possibilities

So I've been back west for a couple months now, I came home to spend time with family and I've kept it pretty quiet because I am choosing to spend all my time with my youngest two siblings, Hope and Chance, and I didn't want to lose sight of that and get caught up visiting all the friends and extended family that I'd like to.

Hope, Me, and Chance before a horse ride.

We've had a lot of fun since August, and I've been working at a casino in Jackpot, NV and developing myself with leadership courses whenever I can find the time to.
I've created a vision for my life that I can create a way to earn sustainable income while traveling that will allow me to continue to travel. Although I haven't landed at an exact solution just yet, there are a lot of possibilities out there for me that I want to explore. One being doing administrative work for a good friend of mine with his business consulting and motocross coaching ventures. This same friend has invited me to travel to Europe with him in December. Two weeks and I'll be in England and then Amsterdam! I hope that it grows into something sustainable for me.

Meanwhile, I've been making other travel plans the only way I know how: to jump in and figure out the details later. My birthday is coming up in January and I'm looking at renting a house in New Orleans and having friends fly out to celebrate, party and explore with me for a few days. I'll be turning 25 on the 25th, so as my friend Danny says, "We're gunna do it up!"

Inside of all of this, the family that I nannied for in Jersey has been in contact with me. I watched their three kids, Anna, Tommy, and Johnny for 6 months earlier this year, and it was both a fulfilling experience for me and A LOT OF FUN. I've always had a heart for children, and being a part of their development and seeing them change and grow daily was amazing. I really connected with the kids and with their parents, Adrianne and Patrick. We became family. They asked if I was available to come stay with them through January, and it turns out that I can fly out right after Christmas. So it looks like I'll be back in Jersey after all, spending another winter in the armpit of the United States, visiting dear friends and cursing Mother Nature.

Me and the monsters at the Phillies Game - Thanks Patrick and Adrianne!

Me and the monsters at Storybook Land. Tommy rode so many rides he vomited on everything on the car ride home... tons of fun!

With all of this excitement in my future I can only say that I am blessed. I'm thankful for those that have opened an opportunity for me and invited me to join them in their life adventure. I'm also amazed by my friends that read this and keep up with me through my blog posts, who care about what's going on in my life and want to share with me in that. Thank you.

I can't wait to set foot on other soils. To many adventures! More to come...